Duration Health Adult Med Kit
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Duration Health Adult Med Kit

Duration Health Adult Med Kit

While Duration Health suggest their prescription-only kit contains 10 medications, in reality, it contains 7 plus three other available at any pharmacy without a prescription

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About the product

While they suggest their prescription-only kit contains 10 medications, in reality, it contains 7 plus three other available at any pharmacy without a prescription. This marketing ploy is intended to make you think you're getting more for your money, when in reality, the cost savings are only a few dollars compared to its nearest competitor, the Jase Case.

Additionally, requesting more prescription medications than is available in their pack is available, but ramps up the cost per kit considerably.

However, we have no trust issues with the company, and privacy practices appear to be clearly laid out, along with state consumer notices and partner pharmacies are listed.

For these reasons, Duration Health's Adult Med Kit receives our OK Choice review.

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